Rabbit Behaviour

Rabbits are very communicative and social and you can learn a lot about your rabbit from watching his body language:

Both ears up with inside of ear facing forward - friendly, happy bunny

Inside of ears turned outward - getting annoyed

One ear up and one ear down - more annoyed, could go either way

Ears up with inside turned to back - annoyed, getting angry

Lays ears back from position described above, crouched body - prepare to be bitten

Looks at you and waggles ears - happy, wants to interact

Turns back on you - you have been dismissed

Thumps and turns back on you - you have caused great offense

Moves away from you flicking its back feet - you have causes annoyance

Flopped with both back legs out side together - relaxed

Flat as possible on tummy with ears laid down in relaxed way - wants to be petted

Pushes head under your hand or under your chin if you are cuddling - wants to be petted

Pokes you with nose - marking or accepting you

Licks you - grooming behavior; a great favor for a rabbit to bestow; you can reciprocate by petting him

Purring sound when you are petting - this is tooth purr; happy content rabbit

Jumping and twisting in the air (called a binky) - happy rabbit

Racing wildly around the room - in the absence of any fear stimulus this is a happy bunny (if he is happy he will stop and groom or flop; if frightened will try to hide or stop and freeze)

Stands up on hind legs (called telescoping) - checking things out

Frozen with heart racing - terrified

Yawning - indicates anxiety

Consumption of moist fecal pellets - normal behavior essential for nutrition

Pulling out fur and making a nest - normal behavior for unspayed female bunny

Digging in litter box - may just like to dig; may indicate dirty litter box

Chewing on bars of cage - bored; give him toys, more attention, more freedom, chewable items, adequate hay

Learn all You can about Rabbits, from Mini Lops...To Giant Contis...